“The class was a lot of fun, very hands on, the instructors friendly, and you get to go home with something you made.”
Silk Screen Classes
Introduction to Silk Screen Printing Class
The Works in Progress Introduction to Silk Screen Printing Intensive is designed to offer students a hands-on and thorough overview of the many facets of contemporary textile printing. Whether you are a seasoned artist or a beginner with no experience in production or design, all attendees will leave our class with a solid understanding of basic skills.
The class is taught in our commercial-grade shop. Instruction will focus on techniques commonly used in professional printing. Through these lessons, students will learn the skills and how to use equipment necessary to print small, well-executed projects in their own home or studio.
Review our Silk Screen Class Syllabus.
Contact us at (212) 598-0046 or email us at classes@worksnyc.org if you have any questions, or join our class mailing list to hear about upcoming classes.