“Works in Progress offers life changing opportunities for at risk youth in New York City. Through their professional, high expectations and nurturing support, they have helped many of our students build confidence as professionals in the fast paced work world they will soon enter. They learn content related skills through real world experiences, something that cannot be captured in a traditional classroom.”
Non-Profit Programs
Teens Silk Screen! An Arts Entrepreneurship Project
In 1996 Works in Progress launched Teens Silk Screen! A hands-on learning project that has been incredibly successful at engaging at-risk teens in building core competencies that prepare them for the transition from high school to the next stage of their development. Teens Silk Screen! provides opportunities to translate an interest in the arts into commercially viable entry-level career paths; and to do so in a mutually supportive and inclusive environment.
Rotating through the shop teens learn a variety of techniques and skills associated with the production of custom product and printing as well as graphic design, quality control, inventory, customer service and the essentials of team-work.
As the explosion of creativity from diverse youth has begun to reshape the apparel industry in the form of hip-hop brands, custom designed sneakers, etc. silk-screen printing remains one of the most accessible forms of personalizing apparel at the entry level. For the price of less than $1,000 and a personal computer, a well-trained young adult can establish his or her own enterprise.
In an era where corporate branded products exacerbate the divide between privileged and disadvantaged youth or become distracting aspirations, affordable access to personalized printing is both a form of creative expression and a welcome alternative to unachievable materialism.
This project works to prepare a diverse group of disadvantaged youth for more promising futures through creative entrepreneurship.
For more information about the Works In Progress Internship Program please contact Emily Clark at (212) 598-0046.